Aug 4, 2012
I honestly do not know where to start. I was not prepared, prepped, whatever for the beauty I encountered in the Downton Creek area. Simply put this place is amazing. I had great company with April, Barb, and Fred; thank you all for coming along. This will be a trip I remember for quite some time.
You're walking through fields of wildflowers, Tiger Lillies, Indian Paintbrush, Red Heather...
You're camping at 2000m, near a beautiful lake.
You're presented with a myriad of peaks to scramble.
You've got huge, open skies.
You've got beautiful tarns, and creeks spread out over a majestic basin.
You've still got an opportunity to go, but it may not last; the road leading in is washing out.
You've... got to go, do it. Don't question, don't hesitate, just do it.
My summit video: Soprano Peak Vista
The road is washing out! 4.4km after you turn left onto a road with a sign reading "Downton Creek" there is a washout. It was passable at the time we went, but it'll only get worse. Furthermore, in Matt Gunn's book, "Scrambles in Southwestern British Columbia", he writes that at the 5.7km mark, from the turn off off Duffey lake road onto the one with the sign "Downton Creek", to go right. This is NOT correct, you should go left! Also, he states the map reference as 92J/8 Duffey Lake, it is actually 92J/9 Shalalth. That last bit of information was taken from the updates page of his publishing company's website.
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