Sep 26, 2018
Got kids? Here is the trail for you! It's off the Mt. Baker Hwy and is well marked. It's a loop trail taking you to the upper and lower Bagley lakes, with a rushing little stream in between.
The autumn colors are out in full force as are the blueberries, sweet and plentiful.
Brilliantly red mountain ash berries round out the display. There are remnants of wildflowers still on the trail but fading fast, some pearly everlasting, alpine asters, the occasional spirea. I love the columnar rock formations so plentiful in this area. Look for little dipper birds bobbing & swimming in the streams and lakes.
The trail was a bit muddy in spots on the left side but completely dry on the opposite side of the loop. There were a few fellow hikers out but it was not crowded. We also stopped at Picture Lake on the way and took some photos of course.
We topped off the day by driving up to Artist Point for lunch and a bit of poking around & gawking at Mts Baker and Shuksan. Couldn't be happier.
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