Sep 30, 2017
I scheduled a group from Meet Up (BCOA), but the weather forecasts made most bail on the hike. It wasn't "perfection," but that's an illusion anyway that keeps people on their Regardless, it was a fantastic trip!! The terrain/trail was excellent, the sun parted the clouds as we ascended, and there was no shortage of rainbows after the evening's downpour. I hiked in a t-shirt to the cabin, but put on a jacket as the afternoon winds picked up. It was 2-3C the entire trip, and the temps went lower at the summit due to the winds. There were several times when the wind blew through the clouds and we had sleet-like snow, which made you laugh and snap fun pics. The larches have only changed 60-70% in most areas. Within the next week or two they will be fully changed to their majestic yellow. By the time we got within 45 minutes of the Lightning Lakes it started to sprinkle, but it was more cute than annoying. One of the best things about Manning Park is there's no cellphone usage, no moron blaring music as they hike, and I didn't see much littering. I'm taking another group up on Oct 7th or 8th.
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