Jul 11, 2010
Yay, time for the views! Hiked in the clouds the weekend before and was now craving the sunshine! Saturday evening found us driving past Pemberton and along “North Tenas Br 8”, the 7km logging road cut with frequent waterbars. We set camp near the log that stopped us from going any further, thankfully, very close to Matt Gunn’s recommended trailhead.
Running after the morning sun, Chris left before any of us woke up. Jon, Evgeny and I had breakfast while being plagued by mosquitoes and started hiking at 7am. Turned right after the clearcut and headed uphill the very steep slope, mentally thanking the veggie belays for their existence. A good grunt up and finally, we’re in the alpine! Surrounded by magnificent views, we headed towards Seven O’Clock Mountain, a straight forward approach of snowfields interchanging with easy scrambling. Joined Chris on the summit which he had all to himself for a while, and lingered for nearly an hour, mesmerized by the beautiful feather clouds. Snow conditions were perfect for glissading on feet and we enjoyed it to the fullest, sliding whenever we could.
Down to the col and towards Sun God. Hiking up scree and rock wasn’t as pleasant, but at least a large portion of it was under the snow this time of year. Helmets are a good idea here to protect against loose rock. The steepness of the trail and the heat made up for the moderate characteristics for this hike, and we were happy to finally be on the summit! Another hour was enjoyed breathing in the freedom of the mountains, taking multitude of pictures and having a good nap in the sunshine. Ah, wonderful time.
Stopped at the small lake on the way down to refill the water bottles and had a surprisingly easy descent through the steep bushwack, once again courtesy of the abundant veggie belays.
Many-many-many thanks to Chris for making this trip happen: taking on the driving and subjecting his vehicle to 70(!) waterbars each way on the Tenas Creek road.
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