Went up Sept 15. Hiked up East Canyon trail to Viewpoint beach, then down the connector to Lower Falls trail back to the parking lot.
Rain was light when we started but increased to a downpour by the time we reached camp at Viewpoint Beach. Continued all night. Watched the river significantly rise beside our campsite about a foot. Hikers beach was completely flooded by the time we went to bed, so don't camp there.
Saw no other hikers for the two days. Hike out was muddy and slippery. Cold overnight (slept in long-underwear, thermal shirt, socks and toque in -5 bag). Don't forget your own toilet paper since the outhouse is not stocked and is quite a long walk from the beach. No official tent pads, just set up on the upper sandy parts of the river bank under the trees.
Tons of garbage on the beach that we cleaned up, and many fire pit remains. Pack out what you pack in please!
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