An overnight trip with a girlfriend to Tenquille Lake. I've been wanting to check out this area for some time, but was not so keen to grunt up from the Hurley. Had heard from a few friends with 2wd that the Birkenhead wasn't a bad option if you're willing to do 4-5km walking on a logging road, and the fact that my friends always seem to successfully hitch rides encouraged me further.
My car made it as far a I expected it to: a few scrapes on 1 waterbar that was more my driving than the waterbar, and a few others from bushes along the way, but we made it fine to the first little creek crossing and parked there. With higher clearance and some gumption, it may be possible to navigate that tiny creek (the water is really very low right now, 'creek' is more of a 'trickle') and drive a bit farther up the road, but maybe this is unwise.
Anyhow, hike in is short and fine, muddy, very much so in some parts. Arriving at the lake one is treated with gorgeous views and a pleasant trail leads around, and then down to the new cabin. Nice work on the cabin, volunteer crew!
We opted to tent it and found a quiet spot near the lake. In fact, for a long weekend, the area was very quiet. One family was using the cabin, and there was a group of 11 but everyone was very chill and it did not feel crowded at all.
No additional hikes done, will have to return to the area soon as the potential was great. Happy to have made it to Tenquille Lake as it was high on my list for the 2013 season.
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