Jan 18, 2015
Here's one you don't get that many reports for. I was still sitting at home at 10:30am looking out the window and trying to decide if I wanted to drive to the North Shore and do something. I've never regretted getting out, but I knew the usual Jan suspects - Seymour, Cypress - would be mushy and gross, and I just went to my standby Brothers Creek last weekend.
I decided to head to the LSCR and check out the rockslide damage at Twin Bridge and this new lake everyone's talking about that's apparently formed in the rubble. When I got down the Homestead Trail however, my feet didn't seem to want to head that way. Instead I headed deeper into the valley with the new intention of exploring a bit around the Spur 4 area. Years ago I read about a trail that goes steeply up from the Suicide Branch of Spur 4 off the Fisherman's Trail. This trail follows the Suicide Creek up and if I recall correctly, tops out on or near the Suicide Bluffs at Seymour.
The trailhead was much easier to find than I expected, and the trail itself is liberally flagged with orange SAR tape. although faint and bushy at times, the footbed is obvious. I followed the trail for an hour or so before reaching my turn around time (the gate closes at 5pm currently). Something completely different for me on the Shore. I'll come back with a bike next time to save the slog on the Fisherman's Trail.
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