Murdo FSR gate locked... Started by parking on Lost Creek FSR by the bridge... Lower trail head marked with various flags... Carried snowshoes but did not use them this time. Micro-spikes/mini-crampons recommended once you hit the snowline. Snow has consolidated from freeze thaw over the last few weeks... that will change quickly over the next month...
(See my GPX track...) Travelling clockwise and noteworthy... once you leave the peak you will travel down the crest of the southern ridge line...
Important: I am unsure if this is easily doable in no-snow conditions.. it might be quiet a slog/bushwhack until you attain the decommissioned logging road after the peak as you move down the ridge. The southern most portion of the track ... you will come to an abandoned white 4x4 pickup truck that starts a rougher purposely covered decommissioned section of the old road that you need to navigate until you pop out again on the lower part of that roadway (maybe 300m of garbage debris).... Also this track deviates from summer track by crossing a frozen portion of Mckay Lake.
Only passed 2 people all day.
Be safe out there.
Regards, Rex
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