May 20, 2018
After lunch we left camp again with the idea of getting up Mount Kerr and possibly False Mount Kerr. This is where the guide book for the area and Google earth differ in the guide book False Mount Kerr is listed as Mount Kerr yet seems to be lower then what Google earth labels as Mount Kerr. Either way we made it to the summit with the radio repeaters on it, I looked at pushing on to the next summit no matter what it is called but it looked like some scree gullies and some route finding with some low cloud and rain on the way in so the radio towers were our Mount Kerr today.
This area has some of the most fun ridge walking I have ever done with constant ups and downs but nothing technical and even with some snow everything difficult was by passable. Along the ridge we could see some holes in the ground that looked very deep and we could not see the bottom of which could be a danger during snow melt if someone where to step on by accident but they seemed obvious when exposed.
Next year I plan to explore more of this beautiful area and I think more people should get out and see this little known area but please keep it as clean as you found it as this area is rarely traveled and seems to be a well traveled animal corridor.
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